


在学习《convex optimization》第三章第5节时, 论证了 log-concave 对数凸函数的卷积仍旧是对数凸函数, 看到证明的过程突然觉得条件概率是不是就是卷积, 因此调查了一番, 还真是如此, 总结于下.

Introdunction to Linear Algebra-第11章-Numerical Linear Algebra
Introdunction to Linear Algebra-第10章-Applications
Introdunction to Linear Algebra-第9章-Complex Vectors Matrices
Introdunction to Linear Algebra-第8章-Linear Transformations
Introdunction to Linear Algebra-第7章-The Singular Value Decomposition (SVD)
Introdunction to Linear Algebra-第6章-Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors
Introdunction to Linear Algebra-第5章-Determinants
Introdunction to Linear Algebra-第4章-Orthogonality
Introdunction to Linear Algebra-第3章-Vector Spaces and Subspaces